Hi! This is the website of the 2nd edition of COMPASSS - the COMmunication (between) Physics And Society Summer School.
This year COMPASSS will take place from 26 until 30 Augustus at the University of Groningen.
Are you an early career physicist (PhD candidate or post-doc) with an interest in science communication? Check out the website for more information & register!
What, where, why and who?
Science, technology and society are deeply intertwined. This makes dialogue and knowledge exchange between citizens and scientists crucial.
Our summerschool takes place in the Linnaeusborg at the Zernike campus of Groningen University, from August 26-30
In a world that is shaped by new technologies and scientific insights we need scientists and engineers that know how to start and maintain a conversation with the public at large
The school is an initiative of Ivo van Vulpen and Margriet van der Heijden, and funded by the National Science agenda.